We are happy to announce that the project of Dr. Jacek Lewkowicz received funding in the Sonata 18 call organized by the National Science Center.
The project is entitled "Populism and economic performance: a quantitative perspective" and its main goal is to quantitatively analyze the reliability of available measures of political populism and the stability of the results obtained in the work of economists interested in the impact of populism on economic indicators. Additionally, the project will attempt to address potential problems related to the public perception of populism, as well as to determine the dynamics of populism over time and its popularity among political parties. The research will be conducted primarily using databases enabling the implementation of the presented goals on a global sample of countries over the last few decades. Carrying out these research tasks in a quantitative approach will allow for the formulation of conclusions regarding possible limitations of available measures of populism and, consequently, regarding the conclusions drawn from existing research that uses them.