We would like to invite submissions for the special issue of the journal Ekonomista devoted to “20 Years of Law and Economics in Poland”, whose guest editior is Prof. Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska from Department of Political Economy at WNE UW.
The issue aims to reflect on the legacy of law and economics, highlight methodological advances and present the latest empirical studies. Contributions from all areas of economic analysis of law, broadly defined, are welcome. Papers can address recent or historical questions, using various methodologies. We invite contributions with a general focus, as well as relating in its substance or scope to Poland and/or Central Europe.
Paper proposals should be submitted via the Economista submission system, specifying that they concern the special issue. The deadline for submitting proposals is June 31, 2025. The special issue will be released in December 2025. The publication language is English. For details check the announcement on Economista's website.
We also encourage to participate in the jubilee conference organized to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Polish Assocation of Law and Economics on May 23-24, 2025 - for more information visit the Association's website.