After a break due to the pandemic, the Department of Political Economy of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw, returned to the tradition of annual off-campus meetings. This year's meeting took place on 10-11.06/.2023 in Płock.
On the first day, two sessions concerned teaching. Dr. Katarzyna Peryt-Kowalska, deputy chairwoman of the Teaching Council of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Warsaw, presented the current situation in the field of teaching at the Faculty, as well as changes that are in plan. Prof. Łukasz Hardt and Prof. Beata Łopaciuk-Gonczaryk led the discussion on how to lecture "Introduction to Economics" for first-year students. In the research-related part, Prof. Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska presented her analyses of conflicts over agricultural land in Poland. The second day was devoted to subsequent presentations of research by the Department's staff and doctoral students. Łukasz Baszczak, M.A., presented the paper entitled "The narrative about the collapse of ZUS and participation in PPK" and Dr. Jacek Lewkowicz discussed his research, conducted together with Prof. Jan Fałkowski and Dr. Łukasz Nawaro, on the political debate on economic issues in the Polish Parliament.
The meeting was held in a relaxed atmosphere and accompanied by wonderful summer weather, which we managed to take advantage of during an evening walk along the Vistula River.