CV - English version (January 2025)
Contact / Kontakt
Faculty of Economic Sciences
University of Warsaw
Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
Uniwersytet Warszawski
ul. Długa 44/50
00-241 Warszawa
Office hours / Dyżury:
Google Scholar
Research interests / Zainteresowania naukowe
Constitutional Economics, Law & Economics, Public Choice, New Political Economy
Ekonomia Konstytucyjna, Ekonomiczna Analiza Prawa, Teoria Wyboru Publicznego, Nowa Ekonomia Polityczna
Selected publications / Wybrane publikacje
- "Economic effects of (non-)compliance with constitutions", Journal of Comparative Economics 53(1), 2025, pp. 227-242 (co-author/współautor: A. Lewczuk)
- "Debt beliefs and public support for restrictive fiscal rules", Economics Letters 247, 2025, 112104 (co-author/współautor: J. Kantorowicz)
- "Leader Characteristics and Constitutional Compliance", European Journal of Political Economy 84, 2024, 102423 (co-authors/współautorzy: J. Gutmann, S. Voigt)
- "Political conflict, political polarization and constitutional compliance", Constitutional Political Economy, 2024, (co-authors/współautorzy: J. Lewkowicz, J. Fałkowski)
- "The comparative constitutional compliance database", Review of International Organizations 19, 2024, pp. 95–115, co-authors/współautorzy: J. Gutmann, S. Voigt)
- "Posner's <<Economic Analysis of Law>> and Constitutions", History of Economic Ideas XXXI(3), 2023, pp. 223-234.
- "Constitutional Overperformance - An Empirical Study of De Facto Protection of Rights with No De Jure Equivalents", European Journal of Law and Economics, 53(2), 2022, pp. 289-317 (co-author/współautor: A. Lewczuk)
- "Determinants of judges' career choices and productivity", European Journal of Law and Economics 53(1), 2022, pp. 81-107 (co-authors/współautorzy: P. Banasik, M. Godlewska, S. Morawska)
- "Post-socialist 'illiberal democracies': do de jure constitutional rights matter?", Constitutional Political Economy, 32(2), 2021, pp. 233-265 (co-author/współautor: J. Lewkowicz)
- "Post-Socialist Constitutions: The De Jure – De Facto Gap, Its Effects and Determinants", Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 29(2), 2021, pp.175-196
- Economic Effects of Post-Socialist Constitutions 25 Years from the Outset of Transition. The Constitutional Political Economy Approach, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenchaften, 2016
- Polish Yearbook of Law & Economics Vol. 1-6 (2011-2015), Warszawa: C.H. Beck, 2011-2016 (co-editors/współredaktorzy: J. Bełdowski, L. Visscher)
- "Should we pay, and to whom, for biodiversity enhancement in private forests? An empirical study of attitudes towards payments for forest ecosystem services in Poland", Land Use Policy 48, 2015, pp. 261-268 (co-author/współautor: A. Bartczak)
- "Constitutions and Economic Reforms in Transition: An Empirical Study", Constitutional Political Economy 1, 2009, pp. 1-41
Datasets / Bazy danych
- The Comparative Constitutional Compliance Database (CCCD), freely available at Harvard Dataverse
Selected projects / Wybrane projekty
- 2024-2027 Economic and social consequences of violating constitutions - mechanisms and microfoundations (NCN Opus)
- 2023-2026 Does Constitution Making Matter? The Economics of Writing Social Contracts (NCN/DFG Opus LAP/Weave)
- 2023-2025 Perception of and Compliance with Constitutions in Post-Socialist Countries - an Economic Perspective (NCN Opus)
- 2018-2023 Economics of Compliance with Constitutions (NCN/DFG Beethoven)
- 2015-2019 Formal versus De Facto Rules in Economic Studies of Post-Socialist Countries' Constitutions (NCN Opus)
- 2012-2015 Constitutional Rules, Economic Policy, and Economic Outcomes (NCN Opus)
Work in progress / W przygotowaniu
- How does the public make sense of fiscal rules? co-author/współautor: J. Kantorowicz (conference paper)
- Can new constitutions tighten the reins? The effect of constitutional change on constitutional compliance, co-author/współautor: J. Gutmann, S. Voigt (submitted)
- Do people value compliance with (constitutional) fiscal rules? Evidence from a conjoint experiment, co-author/współautor: J. Kantorowicz (submitted)
Current membership / Aktualne funkcje
- Centre for Economic Analyses of Public Sector (CEAPS) - Director / Kierownik
- European Public Choice Society (EPCS) - Board Member / Członek Zarządu
- European Association of Law and Economics (EALE), American Law and Economics Association (ALEA), Public Choice Society (PCS), International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), European Society for Empirical Legal Studies (ESELS), Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomicznej Analizy Prawa (PSEAP, Polish Association of Law and Economics) - Member / Członek
- Fundacja Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (University of Warsaw Foundation) - Board Member / Członek Zarządu
- Senacka Komisja Prawno-Statutowa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (University of Warsaw Senate Committee on Law and Statutes) - Member / Członek
- Rada Naukowa Dyscypliny Ekonomia i Finanse Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Scientific Council of the Economics and Finance Discipline, University of Warsaw) - Member/Członek
- Rada Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Faculty Council of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw) - Member / Członek
- Kwartalnik "Ekonomista" ("Ekonomista" Quarterly) - Editorial Board Member / Członek Kolegium Redakcyjnego